Christmas has passed in a blur as I sit here writing this. I can't quite believe it's January again already!
As the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, I celebrated with friends and family. We were hopeful and excited about what 2022 would bring. After all, it's going to be the best year yet... right?
COVID has been around for longer than any of us could have imagined. A year ago, when I was asked what my plans were for 2021, I reeled off a list of travel destinations that I hadn't been able to visit in 2020. Of course, my plans were put on hold again, but living through COVID has taught me a few valuable lessons: to appreciate the "here and now," and to make my own adventures in my hometown of Brighton, U.K.
No More Resolutions!
Several years ago, I decided that I wasn’t going to make any more New Year resolutions. Following a tumultuous relationship and bad breakup, I decided not to focus on common goals such as eating healthier or doing more exercise, but on getting back to being "me."
I rediscovered what was truly important to me, and made sure that everything I did was in line with my values.
I feel a similar sense of purpose as 2022 begins. In the same way that I always do, I sat down and wrote a list of things I'd like to achieve this year.
I'd like to run a marathon, to move house, to develop and grow in my new role at work. And I definitely still want to travel! But, unlike when setting resolutions, I don't feel the pressure of getting these things done.
They are my goals, and the desired timeframe of achieving them is, I guess, by 2023. However, as I've learned over the past two years, some things are out of our control. If I keep these goals in mind, I know that I'll do my best to get them done - and have some fun along the way!
Your Top Tips!
We asked you, our friends and followers on social media, what you are planning for 2022. And you gave us a great selection of answers.
Facebook friend Eliane Bray, from Oregon in the U.S., shared the news that her husband was stable despite battling numerous cancers, and so she feels the time is right to explore new projects. She said, "It's time to refocus my energies on my personal health and treasured relationships. I want to start a vlog about this journey. I'll be assessing current activities and commitment to determine how best to make space for this dream."
Several people commented that they’re planning to improve themselves by learning something new in 2022. Twitter follower Israel Oberko, a digital marketer from Ghana, is determined to further his education at university, and LinkedIn follower Sulaiman Alhassan, a public health official in Ghana, is embarking on a journey to improve his spiritual awareness.
I love the answer that Pennsylvania, U.S.-based time management strategist Gloria-Jean Brown posted in our Facebook Career Community Group. She said that she is going to enjoy her retirement and the clients she chooses to work with, "while coloring, doing puzzles, and embroidery."
What are you planning for 2022? Are you going to take the leap and find a new job or start your own business? Perhaps you're planning on learning or developing new skills? Are you going to travel, and if so – where to? We'd love to hear from you in the comments, below!